Tuesday 26 March 2013

Final Rough Cut - DPS

The last bit of criteria to do for my project was to make a double page spread. A double page spread is an article that stretches across two pages usually with a picture involved.  A music magazine would include a double page spread when a big story is being covered either by a band or single recording artist. This is my rough cut version.

The double page spread was the hardest to execute because of the type of picture I had to take in order to get the text columns in the right space so I had to get my model to stand on the right hand side of the canvas so there was space for the 3 columns of text. After trying this I eventually got the right shot. Then I was able to start adding the columns in. The requirement was 3 columns to insert text in. I have put the page numbers at the bottom right and left hand of the page. I had to change the colour of number 11 as the jacket is black so I changed the font to the colour white so it stood out. I have put a title for the article which is the most basic and common convention of a DPS. I have also used a drop capital which is a big capital letter to start the article off and then the text drops down about 5 font sizes to normal writing size. In the middle column I have placed a quote from the article. This is a common convention and the quote is usually the most memorable or the most important. Overall I am very happy with the way my DPS has turned out after all the effort of switching software to get the right effects.  

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