Friday 8 February 2013

Front Cover Research

As part of my research I have been instructed to find 5 front covers of my chosen music genre and annotate there codes and conventions. My chosen music genre is Indie.                                                                                                                                                                 

NME is a Indie music magazine and is very popular within the UK.The first convention I would like to approach is the 3 way colour scheme within the text. This copy of NME uses a 3 way colour scheme within the text and the colours are white, yellow and red. The second convention that caught my eye ... literally. Its the eye striking font which blew me away when I first laid eyes on it. The name of the band and the sub title are all in massive font in order for the reader to gain an understanding, not just for the bands name but also for the genre as well. A title can tell a lot more things than just the name of the band. The photo on the front cover has also interested me. Most magazines either have 1 person on the front cover or 3 people, but I have noticed that NME have took the lead singer of the band and put him in 3 different places along the front cover so it looks like 3 different people when its the same person.


This is another NME magazine with Jake Bugg on the front cover. If no one knew who he was by the picture itself then the big, bold title surely gives this away. This copy of NME, uses a 4 way colour scheme within the text instead of the previous copy which had 3 colours within the text, the colours are white, yellow and red and black. The front cover also consists of one person in the picture, and as I said in the last magazine, its usually either one person or 3. This is a great contrast of how the theme of the magazine changes depending who is on the front. All the font is the same throughout the whole of the front cover, no matter how small or how big the text goes the actual font type does not change.

    This is the third and final NME magazine that I will be researching for my front covers. The Band on the front of this edition of NME is the Arctic Monkeys. The Arctic Monkeys are ridiculously popular within the UK but even a person who had never heard of the band before would now know who they are due to the bulging yellow font which stands out extremely well. This copy of NME, again, uses a 4 way colour scheme within the text,this is the same as the previous copy of NME which I annotated with Jake Bugg on the front cover, the colours are white, yellow and red and black. The font has diversity within the front cover as it is not just one font type. This differs at the top right hand cover of the front cover where it says ' PREVIEW ISSUE' in block capitals in the font type 'Times New Roman'. I think that this edition of NME is a special edition and the fact that most of the magazine will be about the Arctic Monkeys the magazine have went against most common conventions and put 4 people into the front cover when it is usually 1 person or 3 people.

I have decided to add another magazine of the same genre but a different magazine completely. This magazine is called 'Q'. The band on the front of the magazine are called 'Kasabian'. This magazine and the band are very popular in the UK. This edition of 'Q' magazine uses a 4 way colour scheme. These 4 colours are gold, black, white and red. The font types are different in this magazine. The main title which reads 'KASABIAN' is more of a fun and bold font. However the other font type is 'Times New Roman' which is a more formal type of font for the reader. This magazine has also went against the typical convention of having 1 person or 3 people on the front cover. This shows that 'Q' is willing to be out of the ordinary in the market to sell the magazine.

This is the final magazine of my research on magazine front covers. Its another edition of 'Q' with Noel Gallagher on the front of the magazine. This edition of 'Q' uses a 4 way colour scheme again, the colours that are used are gold, white, red and black. The font type on the left of the front cover is more formal than to the font in the column on the right. The overall feel of this front cover is a relaxed cover and easy to navigate.

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