Thursday 31 January 2013

School Magazine Front Cover

This is the front cover of my school magazine.
I am making the front cover of a school magazine as part of a preliminary task! The most important thing in my opinion was to get the layout of my magazine correct first as I wanted to make my front cover look like a real magazine! So on 'Adobe InDesign' I created my format for the front cover and once I had constructed my front covers structure, I then needed to find a star for my front cover. To do this I used the media departments SLR cameras to take good quality photos. Once I had found my models, I began to take photos and at the time, they were perfect. however when it came to uploading them from the camera to the computer I had committed a school boy error in terms of magazine work ... I had took all of my photos landscape instead of portrait. All of my efforts had been wasted and in the end I needed to get a picture as I was running out of time! So kindly my good friend and media student offered to be my model and this time I had took it PORTRAIT and used Photoshop to make some little tweaks. So far I am really liking the way my front cover is panning out and the skills I have picked up in Photoshop and InDesign have really helped me excel at this project so far!
I have used my 3 colour text scheme which is orange, yellow and white. Also all my text on the left has left justification and the text on the right has right justification. This means the text starts all in the same line.

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